As far as I can see, markers can only be dropped at the current GPS position. 
That kind of limits this tool for creating waypoints intended as yet-to-reach 
turnpoints or targets. 

If markers could be dropped while in pan mode, this would be a whole different 
story, though. A user could then pan to the desired location, put the cross 
hairs right over the chosen place, and drop a marker, then name it and use in 
his task. 

The pan mode menu would only need a 'drop marker' box, then. 

Viele Grüße 
Martin Kopplow

Mobil +49 171 7984740


Am 24.07.2015 um 07:27 schrieb Max Kellermann <>:

> On 2015/07/24 05:08, Ramy Yanetz <> wrote:
>> Can anyone explain how?
> Using XCSoar's waypoint editor which has always existed (at least
> since version 5.0).
> For experts: there's an event called "AddWaypoint" which you can add
> to your .xci file, to have a shortcut for that feature.
> For 6.8_alpha9 users (to be released soon): "Markers" are now regular
> waypoints (and the waypoint details dialog has an "Edit" button).
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