Hello list,

When I get emails with a PDF attachment, Icedove (aka Thunderbird) tries to open it with The GIMP. This always makes me angry, because I would like it to open it with Atril (the Evince clone that preserves the menu bar), and I can’t find the right configuration option to change this behaviour. So my current “solution” is to open the file with GIMP, kill GIMP and then open the file manually, while it is still in /tmp.

Setting file types in ROX filer is pretty straightforward, but there are no defaults at all, and – as the example above shows – other programs don’t care about these settings.

So my idea is: it would be neat if there was a common database of file types, accessible by all programs, that contains information about which program to use to open files of a specific type.

The second issue is about URI schemes. I have noticed that Firefox has no idea how to open geo:, irc: or tel: URIs. It just responds: “This address wasn’t understood”. So I also propose to also have a common database of URI schemes, accessible by all programs, that contains information about which program to use to open URIs of a specific scheme.

xdg mailing list

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