Hi Volodymyr,

On 06/14/2017 03:10 PM, Volodymyr Babchuk wrote:
PSCI is part of HVC/SMC interface, so it should be handled in
appropriate place: `smccc.c`. This patch just moves PSCI
handler calls from `traps.c` to `smccc.c`.

PSCI is considered as two different "services" in terms of SMCCC.
Older PSCI 1.0 is treated as "architecture service", while never
PSCI 2.0 is defined as "standard secure service".

Also old accessors PSCI_ARG() and PSCI_RESULT_REG() were replaced
with generic set_user_reg()/get_user_reg() functions.
This is a call to split the patch in multiple small ones to ease the review.

I like the idea of using SMCC for PSCI, and will review the code when it will be split.


Julien Grall

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