On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 02:37:10PM +0300, Oleksandr Grytsov wrote:
> >> >> From other side this rename touches only internals changes: no changes
> >> >> in config file
> >> >> or CLI interface.
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> > As said, the framework need to be ready to deal with PCI anyway.
> >> >
> >> > What sort of issues do you foresee here?
> >>
> >> Do you mean in case to rework PCI to use the device framework?
> >>
> >
> > No, I mean adding the new hook. You said "handle irregular device name
> > looks not so good"
> As for me when only internal name of structure or fields are changed
> then it should not break anyone configs, setup etc.
> Creating hooks in this case makes code hard to read and maintain.

I think you missed my points:

1. libxl types generated from libxl_types.idl aren't just used by xl.
Some applications will use libxl types directly. Not breaking xl config
doesn't mean not breaking other toolstacks like libvirt. In this
particular case, I think we might be able to change p9 to p9s because it
is only released a few months back because the only other known
toolstack that uses libxl can't possibly use that field at the moment.
But Ian might disagree.

2. There is another type, pci dev, that has been there since forever. We
need a hook to deal with it, we can't rename it.

1 and 2 are orthogonal. 2 is a hard requirement.

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