On Mon, May 09, 2022 at 01:24:09PM +0100, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> This is undefined behaviour, because there is no _spin_lock_cb() in a separate
> translation unit (C11
> Moreover, MISRA prohibits this construct because, in the case where it is well
> defined, the compiler is free to use either implementation and nothing
> prevents the two from being different.

>From my reading of the spec, using inline defined function with an
extern declaration could allow the function to be (re)defined in the
scope of a different compilation unit, kind of similar to the usage of
the weak attribute?

> This function has external users, so drop the inline.
> Spotted by Eclair MISRA scanner.

Like wants a:

Fixes: 462090402a ('spinlock: Introduce spin_lock_cb()')

Thanks, Roger.

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