On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 02:01:02PM +0900, Atsushi SAKAI wrote:
> Hello, Rob and Tony
>  I am using xentrace in IA64 environment.
> It works fine.
> What is your problem?

Essentially it boiled down to the use of unsigned long in the t_rec
structure.  When trying to write the data to disk (xentrace.c) the t_rec
structure was being written 32bytes at a time (as oppoed to the whole
structure which is 56 bytes.
> Anyway I sometimes analyze xentrace/IA64 data on x86 
> by change the format string of xentrace_format/x86.
> So for my work, endian is no problem at this moment.

Okay good to know.

Yours Tony

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