On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Roberto Fichera wrote:

My thought is that since Fedora 16 comes with grub2, my current xen setup doesn't support it.

It doesn't. The most recent F16 xen (4.1.1-8 or later) should though (the patches for Fedora style grub2 support are upstream in the 4.1 and unstable development trees but not in any released version yet).

You could try

1) turning selinux off (setenforce 0) if it is on.
2) Running pygrub directly to see if it works or gives useful debugging ie.
pygrub <partition or image file>

Note if you are using pvgrub as your boot loader then it is unlikely to cope with F16 guests.

Another possibility is that your upgrade didn't generate a valid grub2 configuration, so there is nothing for the boot loader to find.

        Michael Young
xen mailing list

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