Hi Romain !

For your information Xenomai website currently uses Joomla CMS framework. The website is currently hosted by the fsffrance whose sys admin is really careful about security issues. This means that we are advised to use debian stable packages only. I don't know if such a package exists for Planet (I don't find it via debian search engine.)

I need to check first if it is not possible to register news feeds directly with Joomla. Maybe it offers this functionality as a module. I'm quite sure though I am going to stick to joomla because I noticed that some browsers (Konqueror for example) have problems displaying the website correctly !

By the way I encourage anyone having problems with Xenomai website to send me a short email ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with the problem(s) encountered and the version of browser used.

Thanks for the idea though. I am going to take it into consideration and will let you know... In the meantime it is always possible to reference any blog (or website) about Xenomaiin the weblink section.


Bruno Rouchouse

On 3/10/06, Romain Lenglet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How about installing Planet Planet on the Xenomai.org website, to
centralize news feeds about Xenomai? "Planet Xenomai"...
Planetplanet is a daemon in Python that can be run periodically
using cron, to download several news feeds and fusion them into
a single static HTML page.

At least, I propose to register my blog. But I have no idea of
how many people actually blog about Xenomai?!


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