Philippe Gerum wrote:
> Jan Kiszka wrote:
>> Philippe Gerum wrote:
>>> Philippe Gerum wrote:
>>>> Jan Kiszka wrote:
>>>> Fortunately, I had that demo I once produced
>>>>> (last year), but that one was easier to build. I first had to drag in
>>>>> the libs and includes of both the simulator and a regular xenomai
>>>>> installation (I think to remember this once worked without this
>>>>> add-ons). Then I need this additional trick in the simulators include
>>>>> dir:
>>>>> mkdir asm
>>>>> ln -s <xeno-inst-dir>/include/asm-sim asm/xenomai
>>>>> This maps #include <asm/xenomai/system.h> to the correct "arch".
>>>>> Shouldn't this be created automatically during the simulator
>>>>> installation? Or is something else broken on my box?
>>>> You clearly should not need this trick to compile apps against the
>>>> simulation environment; the instrumenter (gcic) sets the proper flags.
>>>> I'm going to rebuild one and let you know.
>>> Confirmed. You don't need this hand-made link.
>> Err, "confirmed" means that it works for you without the link and the
>> extra paths for gcic?
> Yes (actually, it has always worked for me this way).
>  The compilation of the simulator runs fine with
>> latest SVN here, but gcic still does not know any include paths.
>> Attached is the native skin demo I tried.
> gcic explicitely sets -I<install-dir>/include/asm-sim before invoking
> the gcc toolchain. Try adding --verbose to see what's passed.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/xeno-sim/demo> ../inst/bin/gcic -c nat-demo.c -o
nat-demo_sim.o --verbose
/usr/src/xeno-sim/inst/libexec/gcic/bin/gcc  -isystem
/usr/src/xeno-sim/inst/libexec/gcic/i686-pc-linux-gnu/include -isystem
-E -B/usr/src/xeno-sim/inst/libexec/gcic/lib/gcc-lib/ -D__GCIC__
-D__XENO_SIM__ -D__XENO__ -I/usr/src/xeno-sim/inst/include/asm-sim
-I/usr/src/xeno-sim/inst/include nat-demo.c > /tmp/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nat-demo.c:22: native/task.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
nat-demo.c:23: native/sem.h: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
gcic: failed to preprocess nat-demo.c.

I only see the simulator include paths, no link to the xenomai source
base (here: /usr/src/xenomai) or its installation
(/usr/src/xenomai/inst, but I haven't submitted this anyway).


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