Gilles Chanteperdrix kirjoitti:
 > > Having the generated documentation in svn repository also allows us to
 > > copy it to the documentation directory of the download zone from a
 > > script run by cron.
> > Ok, this makes sense. But could be done by other means, too, I guess.

Automatically ? It could result in broken documentation on the web site,
which is not quite user-friendly.

Well, there are always other means. I don't know doxygen specifics, so I'll just shut up here. When the generated docs grow to some few hundreds of megs, maybe I'll raise this point again.

Now that you answered publically to a discussion you started privately,
I guess our readers will not understand anything :-)

That'll be true. Or rather, I answered publicly/privately in random fashion --- there are just too many buttons on a mail client for my intellect.

-- Heikki Lindholm

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