Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
 > Hi,
> > after some (unsuccessful) time trying to instrument the code in a way
 > that does not change the latency results completely, I found the
 > reason for the high latency with latency -t 1 and latency -t 2 on ARM.
 > So, here comes an update on this issue. The culprit is the user-space
 > context switch, which flushes the processor cache with the nklock
 > locked, irqs off.
> > There are two things we could do:
 > - arrange for the ARM cache flush to happen with the nklock unlocked
 > and irqs enabled. This will improve interrupt latency (latency -t 2)
 > but obviously not scheduling latency (latency -t 1). If we go that
 > way, there are several problems we should solve:
> > we do not want interrupt handlers to reenter xnpod_schedule(), for
 > this we can use the XNLOCK bit, set on whatever is
 > xnpod_current_thread() when the cache flush occurs
> > since the interrupt handler may modify the rescheduling bits, we need
 > to test these bits in xnpod_schedule() epilogue and restart
 > xnpod_schedule() if need be
> > we do not want xnpod_delete_thread() to delete one of the two threads
 > involved in the context switch, for this the only solution I found is
 > to add a bit to the thread mask meaning that the thread is currently
 > switching, and to (re)test the XNZOMBIE bit in xnpod_schedule epilogue
 > to delete whatever thread was marked for deletion
> > in case of migration with xnpod_migrate_thread, we do not want
 > xnpod_schedule() on the target CPU to switch to the migrated thread
 > before the context switch on the source CPU is finished, for this we
 > can avoid setting the resched bit in xnpod_migrate_thread(), detect
 > the condition in xnpod_schedule() epilogue and set the rescheduling
 > bits so that xnpod_schedule is restarted and send the IPI to the
 > target CPU.

Please find attached a patch implementing these ideas. This adds some
clutter, which I would be happy to reduce. Better ideas are welcome.

I tried to cross-read the patch (-p would have been nice) but failed - this needs to be applied on some tree. Does the patch improve ARM latencies already?

> > - avoid using user-space real-time tasks when running latency
 > kernel-space benches, i.e. at least in the latency -t 1 and latency -t
 > 2 case. This means that we should change the timerbench driver. There
 > are at least two ways of doing this:
 > use an rt_pipe
 >  modify the timerbench driver to implement only the nrt ioctl, using
 > vanilla linux services such as wait_event and wake_up.
> > What do you think ?

So, what do you thing is the best way to change the timerbench driver,
* use an rt_pipe ? Pros: allows to run latency -t 1 and latency -t 2 even
 if Xenomai is compiled with CONFIG_XENO_OPT_PERVASIVE off; cons: make
 the timerbench non portable on other implementations of rtdm, eg. rtdm
 over rtai or the version of rtdm which runs over vanilla linux
* modify the timerbecn driver to implement only nrt ioctls ? Pros:
  better driver portability; cons: latency would still need
  CONFIG_XENO_OPT_PERVASIVE to run latency -t 1 and latency -t 2.

I'm still voting for my third approach:

 -> Write latency as kernel application (klatency) against the
    timerbench device
 -> Call NRT IOCTLs of timerbench during module init/cleanup
 -> Use module parameters for customization
 -> Setup a low-prio kernel-based RT task to issue the RT IOCTLs
 -> Format the results nicely (similar to userland latency) in that RT
    task and stuff them into some rtpipe
 -> Use "cat /dev/rtpipeX" to display the results


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