On 07/08/2011 02:41 PM, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:
On 07/07/2011 11:47 PM, Anders Blomdell wrote:
When compiling kernel and xenomai 2.5.6 with "gcc version 4.6.0
20110530 (Red Hat 4.6.0-9) (GCC)", programs fail with -ENOSYS in
rt_task_shadow. If compiled with "gcc version 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat
4.5.1-4) (GCC)" everything works as expected.

Could you send us the disassembly of the two functions?
Which functions? Print[fk] debugging got me to suspect the syscall/skin_mux interface, but I'm a bit at loss of exactly where the code ends up.



Anders Blomdell                  Email: anders.blomd...@control.lth.se
Department of Automatic Control
Lund University                  Phone:    +46 46 222 4625
P.O. Box 118                     Fax:      +46 46 138118
SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

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