On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 09:19:37PM +0100, Gilles Chanteperdrix wrote:

> Of course some of the code they contain is not really acceptable in
> mainline, but at least it is there and takes less time to debug than it
> would if starting from scratch.

That it takes "less time" is only sometimes true.
> Just trying to give a different opinion from Richard.

I actually agree with you, Gilles. If you are developing a consumer device

  - with a three year product lifetime
  - that will never receive a firmware upgrade
  - where time to market is most important

then the TI kernel is the best choice. But if you want to build, let's
say, a platform for a family of products with a five to ten year
scope, then maybe using TI's heavily modified v3.2 kernel is not best

In any case, what is clearly best for the community is having mainline
support. I myself am interested in and am willing to help out with
xenomai on the beaglebone, but I will not waste my time with the TI
kernel. It is just too far away for me.


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