On 04/11/2013 01:39 AM, Michael Haberler wrote:

> Gilles,
> thank you for your detailed answer.
> I'll concentrate on the RTDM suggestion because I'm after a long-term
> stable solution, and also because I feel RTAI needs a similar
> approach
> please let me make sure I fully understand your suggestions, see
> below inline:
> Am 11.04.2013 um 00:31 schrieb Gilles Chanteperdrix:
>> On 04/10/2013 11:24 PM, Michael Haberler wrote:
>>> I am building an RT application which is portable across RTAI, 
>>> Xenomai/userland threads, Xenomai/kernel threads, RT-preempt and 
>>> vanilla kernels (modulo timing restrictions). The xenomai kernel 
>>> threads build is on a deprecation path but build for coverage
>>> reasons atm.
>>> The application already does support several instances on one 
>>> machine, for instance one instance could be Xenomai kernel
>>> threads, a second one Xenomai user threads, a third one Posix
>>> threads (thats an example and doesnt make sense, just pointing
>>> out whats possible)
>>> The userland threads instances uses sysvipc shm; RTAI instance
>>> uses rtai_malloc/rtai_kmalloc; Xenomai kernel uses 
>>> rt_heap_create/rt_heap_alloc.
>>> --
>>> A requirement has come up to enable access of shared memory
>>> between instances and that's where I dont know how to proceed -
>>> the issues I have are:
>>> - incompatible shared memory models between RTAI, Xenomai and 
>>> shmctl() - sequencing imposed by kernel threads models - shared 
>>> memory must be created in-kernel and can attached to in userland
>>> but not vice versa
>>> I know it is a faint hope, let me try nevertheless:
>>> - is there a way to make Xenomai kernel threads use shared
>>> memory created in userland by shmctl(2) or mmap for that matter
>> RTDM skin (the future-proof way): rtdm_mmap_to_user will allow you
>> to map a piece of memory (obtained for instance with kmalloc or
>> even vmalloc in kernel-space), in a process user-space. You have to
>> devise the interactions between user and kernel-space through a
>> driver if you want the user-space to seem to do the allocation
>> first.
> I understand this to mean:
> - in case the application runs on Xenomai, either thread style
> (xenomai user, xenomai kernel, posix): - in this case shared memory
> creation and attaching would go through a xenomai-dependent layer
> handled by an RTDM device driver - this driver can allocate memory
> (or return a reference to an existing memory area) and return a
> handle which can be used in userland similar to a sysvip segment

I would forget about sysv ipcs, and think more POSIX.

 - it
> would provide the same function to kernel threads modules whishing to
> attach a shared memory segment - whoever initiated its creation
> Does this sound about right?

Let us talk concretely. If I assume you want to share the same piece of
memory in all the cases (which I originally did not). You would have a
common kernel module able to allocate a piece of memory and associate it
with an identifier (a string, ala shm_open/sem_open, for instance).

Then an rtdm module, with an ioctl allowing to retrieve that piece of
memory or allocate it given the id, and if called from user-space use
rtdm_mmap_to_user to put it in the process adress-space, if called from
kernel-space, return the memory directly. The same RTDM code can be
compiled both for RTAI and Xenomai and covers 4 cases. And RTDM drivers
can be called as well from kernel space as from user-space, if I
remember correctly.

Then another linux module, with an ioctl and an mmap call allowing to
retrieve the same piece of memory with the same ID and map it in the
process user-space.

> I can imagine funneling all shm-type calls through say a shared
> object which is dlopen'd by the using layer after autodetection of
> the running environment; thats a vehicle we#ve been using sucessfully
> so far

I am not sure I understand why you need that level of complication. What
you can dlopen is simply something which defines wrappers for posix
services, ioctl, mmap, and simply use libpthread_rt.so when a xenomai
user-space application is wanted.

> in the xenomai case the shm functions in this object would go through
> the steps outlined above in the userland/sysvipc/vanilla kernel they
> would just use sysvipc shm and no kernel driver
> I know I'm barking up the wrong tree here but you mentioned wrapping
> RTAI shm services:
> do you suggest to make RTAI shm work with the RTDM model (I'm fuzzy
> how that would work) or is it a vanilla device driver approach you're
> suggesting?

RTAI definitely has RTDM, but I do not know how far the integration goes
and if rtdm_mmap_to_user is available. If it is not available it seems
simple to add it.

> I assume in the RTAI case there would need to be a similar driver to
> do rtai_kmalloc() in-kernel and eventually rtai_malloc() when
> returned on behalf of the using layer
> I might be overlooking something obvious, but atm I see this panning
> out to virtualizing the shared memory creation/attachment layer
> across platforms - that's fine, Private Haberler just needs to
> understand the General's commands ;)

This is where I disagree. The common API already exists and is POSIX,
simply use POSIX, and you do not need a useless abstraction layer.


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