On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Jonathan McDowell wrote:

> I meant to do more work on this over the past few weeks, but seem to
> have had other things taking up my time instead. Attached is a patch
> against CVS from today. It adds various bits necessary for a FreeBSD
> port.

Great. I have several modifications as well. I will look into your
changes and see if we can come up with a fully fledged patch. Let's 
correspond off the list (unless we need input from others) and get this
port fully functional.

> sort some of the problems out (or moan at me to fix them. :). I would
> also appreciate it if these changes could go in the CVS - I know they
> don't work, but they shouldn't affect anything else.

I would think, since we do not have CVS commit access, that we work
this via patches for now, until we get a fully functional port.

Sander van Zoest                                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
High Geek                                                    (858) 623-7442
MP3.com, Inc.                                           http://www.mp3.com/
                Your premiere Music Service Provider (MSP) 
> Also, I have edited the configure.in's, but not included the patches to
> configure - you'll need to run autoconf to generate them.
> J.
> -- 
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