Am 30.03.2013 um 22:15 schrieb Ian-Mathew Hornburg:

> \latinfont will likely attempt to select a font set up for the actual
> Latin language, since that’s a language supported by polyglossia.
> \begin{english} / \textenglish{} / etc. is gonna be what you want, per
> the polyglossia documentation.

In my example I am using \today – I could only make the whole command be 
typeset in a Latin script…

> When I compile your attached document, I’m getting the correct
> Malayalam rendering and the Latin-script numbers for the date field
> with the Rachana font. I’m using an up-to-date TeX Live 2012 on Linux
> with a XeTeX binary that’s built from the most recent commit.

I have Rachana Version 04;Rev:0.2;MacVer:1: 7-9-2009.

> Peter, you say you’re using a XeTeX 0.9999.2 version? Where did you
> get that from? The last point-version release I see in XeTeX’s
> repository is 0.9999.1.

Mojca Miklavec wrote two weeks ago:

>> The binaries for many platforms (windows excluded at the moment) have
>> been submitted to TLContrib now. You can use
>>    tlmgr --repository update --all
>> for example.

TLContrib also has updated versions of ConTeXt, LuaTeX, MetaPost, and PGF.



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