Am 01.12.2013 um 12:38 schrieb NMPOST7:

>> It's also possible to try 'texdoc -l a5' and then try the a5comb package…
> How do this. I am not following the flow.

This is no "flow". Texdoc is a command to find documentation inside the TeX 
installation, Texdoc also allows to open a programme to display the found 

I think I never used the booklet or a5comb packages. No needs had come up in 
the last decades. But at university I used tricks to produce PS files with more 
than one page on a sheet of paper. They included manipulations of DVI files 
(like using dvips to print them on A5 sized paper) as manipulations of PS 
files. All was made possible by TeX related software.

With dviasm you can convert a binary DVI file into some text file, edit it, and 
reassemble it to DVI. It also supports the extend DVI format used by pTeX. 
Peter Breitenlohner once produced a version of dvitype which understood XeTeX's 
XDV format, an extended DVI format. There is just some demand needed to have 
these developments.

Inside the XDV file the magnification setting can be reduced to sqrt(2)/2. The 
PDF file can be converted to PS (with pdftops from the xpdf or poppler packages 
or with pdf2ps from Ghostscript. Then the usual TeX utilities to stitch 
PostScript files (psnup?) can be used.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


You can never know too little of what is not worth knowing at all.
                        – Anon.

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