Le 07.05.15 14:22, Joseph Wright a écrit :
Hello all,

The question of case changing in Greek has come up in another thread.
Whilst the details here aren't XeTeX (or even TeX) specific, given the
interest by members of the list I hope I can take advantage to ask about
the area.

For work on LaTeX3/expl3 we've put together an approach to case changing
in XeTeX (and LuaTeX) that is not tied to a 1-1 mapping.

One of the design ideas behind the code was to allow a way to tackle
context- and language-dependent changes. At the same time, to date we
have used the Unicode docs to define case mappings. Thus the 'standard'
mappings follow those in UnicodeData.txt (1-1 lower/title/upper) and
SpecialCasing.txt (more complex cases).

Included in that 'standard' set up is the final sigma rule for Greek
text. For performance reasons that code has been set up to assume that a
sigma is final if it is followed by a space, a control sequence or a
character from the list

     ) ] } . : ; , ! ? ' "

; be careful the ; for question mark in greek is U+037E will the semicolon is U+003B.

I will add » and all the closing quotation for people who cite greek but is the quotation of their own language.

In any case ˙ U+02D9 should be added.

I am not sur ton understand well the difference between upper casing and title casing.


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