Le 11.05.15 08:53, Nikos Platis a écrit :

2015-05-11 0:01 GMT+03:00 Maïeul

    ; be careful the ; for question mark in greek is U+037E will the
    semicolon is U+003B.

    I will add » and all the closing quotation for people who cite greek
    but is the quotation of their own language.

    In any case ˙ U+02D9 should be added.

I don't know what you would use U+02D9 for in Greek, but it certainly is
not "ano teleia". According to [1] it is related to chinese.
Greek "ano teleia" is U+0387 which is unfortunatelly [2][3][4]
officially and often in practice confused with "middle dot" (U+00B7).

How, you are right. I didn't know U+0387. And as "U+02D9" is qualified of "upper dot" which is the translation of "ano teleia"...

So I will correct my keyboard and my files!

So U+0387 and U+00B7 should be added.


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