Allow me to contribute my two cents to the discussion.
First, it is my experience, and I also always tell my students, the following: 
"if you have something you want to typeset with LaTeX, somebody else has wanted 
that a long time ago, and yet someone else will have written a package for it". 
Thus, if you can find the correct package....... (obviously, that last step is 
not always easy and the package not always does exactly what you want).
Second, about unicode, my experiences are mixed. I use Japanese as my main 
language of communication. I found that "plain XeLaTeX" is not really adequate 
for Japanese as it lacks many common features; LuaLaTeX performs better, but 
still not as good as the pre-UTF-8 special "Japanese LaTeX" called "platex". In 
other words, even if XeLaTeX can typeset all unicode characters, you still need 
proper fonts, and special typesetting (such as indents, hyphenation rules, etc) 
may not be perfect.
If you are looking for something which based on TeX but closer to DTP software, 
check out ConTeXt. ConTeXt has been used for many complex, professional 
typesetting jobs, and the developers are very active in trying to find new 
solutions if needed. IIRC the current version of ConTeXt supports at least 
LuaLaTeX which provides support for UTF-8:
PRAGMA ADE web page: text
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PRAGMA ADE web page: text
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Another option is to check out the memoir class. The manual is intimidating 
(500+ pages) but it will do almost anything you want. 

Personally, for basic English-language document, I use pdfLaTeX + memoir class; 
for Japanese, I use LuaLaTeX + ltjsbook (or ltjsarticle) class.
If you have many complicated typesetting issues in one document, you can also 
break down the document into individual tex files and glue everything together 
with pdftk or something similar. Only the management of the references etc 
becomes a bit of a problem.

    On Friday, April 27, 2018 11:58 PM, David J. Perry 
<> wrote:

  Unless you have the mindset of a programmer and enjoy writing everything from 
scratch, I would go with XeLaTeX rather than plain XeTeX.
 William's advice about gradually locating packages that will help you is good. 
 I have used the memoir class to typeset a fairly complex book (side margins, 
many tables, etc.).  Memoir gives you a lot of control over your page layout.  
Its documentation is excellent and very extensive.  As is usually the case with 
computer stuff, power = complexity; you might want to work for a bit with one 
of the simpler classes to get the hang of how things are done in XeLaTex before 
plunging into learning memoir (or koma, which I don't have experience with).  
 On 4/26/2018 8:20 AM, Carrs wrote:
Hi, a newbie question. I would like advice on which TeX-based software it would 
be best to learn in detail for my typesetting plans. So far, I have learned a 
little TeX and a little LaTeX, but not enough of either to tell me which will 
work best for me. The features I want to be able to typeset are:
  + Roman script, in a Unicode environment. Some of the documents will have 
special characters, but nothing exotic. (So I am thinking XeTeX or XeLaTeX or 
something else Unicode-y ...)
  + handles a document with plenty of styles e.g. dictionary
  + double or single column on the page
  + can place cross references at bottom of page, or in L or R margin lined up 
with caller, or in text area at end of paragraph, or in text area at end of 
section. + plenty of illustrations of various sizes (that have to share the 
page with footnotes, cross references etc)
  + the range of the paragraph numbers on a page can be shown in its header + 
with numbered sentences, can place the number in the margin without messing up 
the paragraphing. Other features I am looking for:
  + runs on Linux (and preferably also on Windows and Mac) + no recurring 
license fees + ideally would have some pre-existing materials/courses to help 
me learn to use it
  If all the software can do these things, I would appreciate any 
recommendations you can make regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the 
various options there are. thanks
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