Hi Phil, Zdeněk and others.

On 12 Apr 2020, at 7:46 pm, Philip Taylor 
<p.tay...@hellenic-institute.uk<mailto:p.tay...@hellenic-institute.uk>> wrote:

Zdeněk Wagner wrote:

I would not do it. Of course, you cannot use \renewcommand because
\scenename is not used in any *.ldf. You could use \def\scenename{दरश्य} […]

LaTeX has  \providecommand  with the same syntax as \newcommand  and  
\renewcommand .

It makes the definition *only* if the c-s is not already known.
This means that you can always use:

  \renewcommand\mycs{ what I really want }

to get around such issues.

A thought — if \scenename is not known at the point that the last line of 
[gloss-]marathi.ldf is read, would there be any point in using \def \scenename 
{दरश्य}, since such definition would either get over-ridden by whatever 
subsequent definition of \scename is causing the problem (\def, \renewcommand), 
or would prevent a subsequent \newcommand from working as \scenename would 
already be defined.  Is this not the case (he asked, as someone who barely 
understands anything that LaTeX does ...) ?

There is always a way to get what you want,
whether using Plain TeX or LaTeX or whatever other high-level macro structures.

Thus the important thing is how to make it resistant to updates, as Zdeněk said.

Philip Taylor

Hope this helps.
Stay safe.


Dr Ross Moore
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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T: +61 2 9850 8955  |  F: +61 2 9850 8114
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