Keith Packard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> さんは書きました:

> Around 0 o'clock on Feb 18, Mike FABIAN wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be nice to be able to switch between the auto-hinter
>> and the byte code interpreter with a run time option?
> If you have the bytecode interpreter, why would you ever use the
> auto-hinter for fonts with hints?

And for fonts without hints? What if you have both fonts with and
without hints? Is it conceivable that it might be useful to add rules
to /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to switch on the byte code interpreter for
some fonts (which have good hinting) and use the auto hinter for other
fonts (which have bad or no hints)?

When comparing rendering results of the Bitstream Vera Sans font with
freetype 2.1.3 with and without byte code interpreter, most people
looking at the screenshots claimed that it looks better without the
byte code interpreter.

Here are some screenshots (Freetype 2.1.3):

Sharp and not much gray because the byte code interpreter
snaps the stems to grid positions.

But there is quite a lot of distortion of the glyphs, especially the
dots in the "ä" (German ae-umlaut) are shifted to the left quite a lot.
Looks like more than 2 pixels shifted. Why? Is this a bug? If yes, is
it a bug in the font or in the byte code interpreter? And the spacing
looks a bit wrong, the "u" and the "n"were widened to fit to the grid
and the first "t" was moved very close to the "ä".

Freetype 2.0.9 with byte code interpreter gives pixel for pixel the
same screenshot by the way.

Most test persons said this looks better. It has a lot more gray
and looks more blurry of course. But the "ä" is not distorted
and the spacing looks better.

Everybody agrees that this is ugly.

a somewhat bigger size. Now the byte code interpreter suddenly shifts
the dots on the "ä" to the right and makes each dot use 4 completely
black pixels. Most viewers thought this looks very strange as well.

Using the autohinter gives a decent result at this size as well.

We also compared how Mac OSX rendered the same Bitstream Vera Sans
font and found that the results were rather close to the results using
the Freetype 2.1.3 with the auto hinter on Linux. Certainly the
rendered glyphs on Mac OSX had more gray and were more blurry than the
glyphs rendered by Freetype 2.1.3 with byte code interpreter.
Looks almost as if Mac OSX isn't using a byte code interpreter,
although there should be not patent problems for Apple.

> Supplying the byte code interpreter in binary form is viewed by some
> as an issue with the relevant US and UK patents.

Mike Fabian   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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