I saw something like this from the FreeBSD build of 4.3.0.
Couldn't reset the server either (via ctl-alt-backspace).

Eventually found this:

Section "ServerFlags"
   Option "HandleSpecialKeys" "always"

Things 'worked' after that.

I mention the build bit because another machine
that I did the 4.3.0 install from FreeBSD-4.x
binaries didn't need the special keys config setting.

Didn't investigate, so am just sharing...
If your ctl-alt-backspace works, then it's
probably something different(?).


Eric Christopherson wrote:
I'm having a similar problem, only I don't run GNOME panel and I have my
caps lock key mapped to control. Whenever I have my actual control key
mapped to control, I can switch VTs fine. But when I have the caps lock key
mapped as control, neither alt+capslock+F1 nor alt+leftcontrol+F1 nor
alt+rightcontrol+F1 works (right control is still control; I didn't change
it)! Is this a bug, or am I just mapping them incorrectly? I use xmodmap to
do it, but I understand there is also a way in the XF86Config-4 to specify
such mappings.

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