On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 12:17:23PM -0700, Dan Mergens wrote:
>I recently read a comment by a contributor who is tired of hearing the 
>same questions over and over regarding configuration and I understand 
>his complaint after responding to several posts. I believe this could be 
>helped a great deal if there was better organization of the website. 
>I've used several resources to configure my laptop for X, but it seems 
>that a google search is more effective that simply navigating the xfree 
>For instance, the "Support, Documentation, & Release" page has many good 
>documents with no organization and is surprising missing a link that 
>would explain how to configure and test XFree86! I do believe it is 
>there, but the titles do not indicate so.

I don't think it exists, at least not amongst the XFree86 documentation.
Quoting from the Installation document at

  The next step is to configure the X server. That is covered in detail
  in an as-yet unwritten document :-(. In the meantime, there are three
  ways to create a basic X server configuration file for XFree86 4.3.0.
  One is to run the xf86config utility. Another is to run the xf86cfg
  utility. The third option is to use the new -configure X server option:

(The Installation document, and other XFree86 documents can be found by
following the "Current release documentation" link on the support page.)

We used to have a config document, but like a large fraction of our docs,
it is too out of date to be useful now.

>I would be happy to help organize or suggest improvements.

I think lack of content to oraganise is the more serious problem.  If
you have suggestions, or links to useful documentation that isn't
referenced on our support page, please either log them in the web site
section of bugs.xfree86.org, or send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Dawes                                     X-Oz Technologies
www.XFree86.org/~dawes                          www.x-oz.com
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