On 13 Oct 2003, Lists wrote:

> I have a dual display system and am NOT using Xinerama. (I prefer to
> keep the displays seperate.)
> The problem I am having is with cursor behaviour as the focus moves to
> the other display.
> Problem description:
> Screen 1 is to the left of screen 0. [1][0]
> When cursoring past the right side of Screen 1, the cursor appears on
> the RIGHT side of Screen 0. (I would expect/prefer it to appear on the
> left side of Screen 0)
> When cursoring past the left side of Screen 0, the cursor appears on the
> LEFT side of Screen 1) (Similarly, I would expect/prefer it to appear on
> the right side of Screen 1.)
> Question:
> Is this the expected behaviour? Is there a configuration option to
> change this behaviour?

   It's doing exactly what you told it to.

   Those coordinates are in PIXELS.  Imagine a big pixel grid.
You've laid screen 0 at pixel (1,0) and screen 1 at pixel (0,0).
They are in the same place except for one pixel of overlap.

   You should be using the LeftOf or RightOf keywords.

        Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
        Screen      1  "Screen1" LeftOf "Screen0"


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