Tracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because RFC2822 specifies that A records for mail servers should not
> be CNAMEs...:)

    You mean, rcf 2821.
    Here is an extract:
"Once an SMTP client lexically identifies a domain to which mail will 
   be delivered for processing (as described in sections 3.6 and 3.7), a 
   DNS lookup MUST be performed to resolve the domain name [22].  
   The lookup first attempts to locate an MX 
   record associated with the name.  If a CNAME record is found instead, 
   the resulting name is processed as if it were the initial name.  If 
   no MX records are found, but an A RR is found, the A RR is treated as 
   if it was associated with an implicit MX RR, with a preference of 0, 
   pointing to that host.  If one or more MX RRs are found for a given 
   name, SMTP systems MUST NOT utilize any A RRs associated with that 
   name unless they are located using the MX RRs; the "implicit MX" rule 
   above applies only if there are no MX records present.  If MX records 
   are present, but none of them are usable, this situation MUST be 
   reported as an error. "


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