So you're using courier-imap's pop3 server and not xmail's? Currently I'm using 
xmail's pop3 but if there are no issues...I'm thinking of disabling xmails pop3 
server and enabling courier-imaps...

Leonardo Fogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- jonn ah wrote:

> I'm running squirrelmail with courier-imap (for
> imap) and xmail (for pop3), i store
> usernames/passwords in a mysql database... i can
> change the password for imap (using squirrelmail's
> mysql plugin) with no problem but with pop3 it does
> not get updated...can anybody tell me how can i fix
> this?

Hi, Jonn.
You can not use POP3 to change passwords in XMail. You
must use XMail admin protocol:
You can use CtrlClnt, a utility included in XMail
package, to send administration commands to XMail:
Maybe you can run CtrlClnt from squirrelmail.

I use XMail and Courier-IMAP too, but I patched
Courier-IMAP to autenticate users via POP3. I also
wrote a plugin to Horde/IMP that uses CtrlClnt to
change users' passwords.


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