On Sat, 15 Apr 2006 16:46:37 -0700, "postmaster - networkoftheapes.net" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Except for logs files and filter tab files, you should really let XMail
> handle it's own files and do most of your work by connecting to the server
> over a network interface. It also leaves the option open for IMAP and
> XMail
> to be run from different machines at busy installations.

Yeah, the problem is Courier needs to read the files directly and only supports 

> I must admit, the idea of easy IMAP is tempting though. The mail domains
> structure is porbably why your srcipt didn't work for me.

I'm sorry it din't work for you. I guess i will add a note that this only 
works on *nix with Maildir mailboxes at the moment.


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