What? - (re)create the symlink every day.
Talk about administrative overhead.!!

I suppose, I'm looking at most other open source applications, and I see a
single (dateless) logfile the is rotated by logwatch or similar and would
like to see similar option with xmail.
Sure I could run a cron job to sort the symlink each day, but xmail has the
ability to create smtp-yymmdd0000 - where 0000 is the hour/minute.
So the logic in some script to sort out the symlinks would be horrendous.
The other thing is - I'm running on windows ATM, but will be migrating to
linux, so I need a windows sympathetic solution for the moment.

I was actually looking at the named pipe option seriously, so the file needs
to be created first, so when xmail writes to it, the receiving process picks
it up.  A single logfile name /mailroot/logs/smtp.log (same for smail,
psync, etc) would be great, solving my named pipe requirements *and* make
xmail more like  other open source programs.

A cmdline option to specify
logfilenameformat='<process>-<yyyy><mm><dd><hh><mm>.log', would suffice.
Where <process> would be the existing [smtp|smail|psync|etc] and
<yyyy><mm><dd><hh><mm> would translate to the date, but of course you might
specify it as <yyyy><mm><dd>.
Other - non key word - values are just passed through, for example.

logfilenameformat='<process>-<yyyy><mm><dd>.log'     ==> smtp-20070318.log A
single daily log
logfilenameformat='<process>-<yyyy><mm>.log'         ==> smtp-200703.log   A
single monthly log
logfilenameformat='<process>.log'                    ==> smtp.log          A
single log
Logfilenameformat='<process>-<yyyy><mm><dd><hh><mm>' ==> smtp-20070318000
Default/not specified (same as now)

If you didn't want to rotate the logs, you'd not specify the date parts.

You could use the $MCARO format Davide uses elsewhere, like:

logfilenameformat='$PROCESS-$YYYY$MM$DD.log'   ==> smtp-20070318.log A
single daily log
logfilenameformat='$PROCESS-$YYYY$MM.log'      ==> smtp-200703.log   A
single monthly log
logfilenameformat='$PROCESS.log'               ==> smtp.log          A
single log
Logfilenameformat='$PROCESS-$YYYY$MM$DD$HH$MM' ==> smtp-20070318000
Default/not specified (same as now)

This would also make it easier for xmail admins to add an extension - vital
in a windows environment for ease of use.

Davide, what do you think?

Rob :-)
Note To Self: Remember to put something witty here later...

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Ivo Smits
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 1:55 AM
To: xmail@xmailserver.org
Subject: [xmail] Re: Log file output

Wouldn't it be better to just always (sym)link the last smtp-{date}.log to 
smtp.log (same for other files ofcourse)? So you don't have to choose...


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