On Thu, 17 Jan 2008, Hal Dell wrote:

> Hello all...
> Some time ago, in July of 2006, Davide wrote the xbmf post-data filter to
> filter out eMail messages with the POP3 Tail Issue plus other related
> issues. One place you can see Davide's posting about this is:
> <http://xmailforum.homelinux.net/index.php?s=2579b675e310d8ffdc219b691909d79
> a&showtopic=3269>
> http://xmailforum.homelinux.net/index.php?s=2579b675e310d8ffdc219b691909d79a
> &showtopic=3269. As we know this issue appeared be the lack of a proper
> termination sequence or "tail" on a particular POP3 email message. RFC 1939
> (the POP3 protocol specification) dictates that all email messages must end
> with a pair of CR+LF characters. The problem started small and took only a
> couple months to a serious pain in the you know what.
> In the above case, both Eudora and Outlook 2003 eMail clients would simply
> hang. Well, all of a sudden I am getting eMail messages that will kill the
> POP3 download in progress for both Eudora and Outlook 2003. Both of these
> programs failed previous and my guess is that they both use the same APIs.
> As far as I know Microsoft never tracked down the source of the issue in
> Outlook 2003.
> I have saved one exemplar that I believe is causing the issue. I need some
> to help to figure this out. Anyone knows something about MIME formatted
> messages? Once we figure out the cause then maybe we can update xbmf to test
> for this case as well.

Save it, where?

- Davide

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