
The easiest solution probably is putting this in aliases.tab:

Obviously replacing [tab] with real tabs. And take into account that this is a 
file you can’t edit while XMailserver is running (so turn it off first or use 
CtrlClnt to edit it).


> On 20 mrt. 2016, at 11:05, md--- via xmail <xmail@xmailserver.org> wrote:
> How does one create a catch all for a given domain while still allowing 
> specific users to receive
> their messages?
> For example:
> My domain is rpzdesign.com
> I want all messages sent specifically to m...@rpzdesign.com to come to my 
> inbox.
> But I want ALL other email address like anyth...@rpzdesign.com to be sent to 
> an external email address
> at rpzrpzrpzj...@gmail.com
> Mailproc.tab in domain?
> I tried using aliases but it does not work like I want, to many 550 user 
> unkown errors.
> Any help?
> Marco
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