I'm using a HotRodSE (Hanaho arcade joystick) under XFree86. Normally you can attach a keyboard to the HotRodSE, but for my arcade cabinet I did not do this. In SuSE 8.2 this worked without any problems, but in SuSE 9.1 it does not. The front-end I use doesn't react to any of the HotRodSE's buttons. If at that point I attach a keyboard however, the HotRodSE's keys suddenly start working, and continue to work even after disconnecting the keyboard again.

These are both USB, right?

Which USB hub and driver are you using? Is it possible that SUSE is not loading HID and hotplug is loading it once the keyboard is plugged in?

As a test, you could try unplugging the joystick and replugging it once the system is fully booted (but before the frontend starts).

As a solution, if this is the case, you could force the loading of HID.

Just an idea.

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