On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 06:03:33AM +0100, chunlee wrote:
> hi there:
> having tried MacMame on my other machine, i am now desperately wanting
> to get Xmame to work on my Linux box as its faster than my old mac. 
> anyway, i downloaded the three rpms as below from
> http://tettnang.freshrpms.net/
> xmame-0.83.1-1.1.fc2.fr.i386.rpm
> xmame-roms-0.83.1-1.1.fc2.fr.i386.rpm
> xmame-x11-0.83.1-1.1.fc2.fr.i386.rpm
> info: trying to parse: /home/sonicvariable/.xmame/rc/pacmanrc
> Mouse/Trakball selected.
> loading rom 0: pacman.6e
> loading rom 1: pacman.6f
> loading rom 2: pacman.6h
> loading rom 3: pacman.6j
> loading rom 4: pacman.5e
> loading rom 5: pacman.5f
> loading rom 6: 82s123.7f
> loading rom 7: 82s126.4a
> loading rom 8: 82s126.1m
> loading rom 9: 82s126.3m
> done
> pacman.6e    NOT FOUND
> pacman.6f    NOT FOUND
> pacman.6h    NOT FOUND
> pacman.6j    NOT FOUND
> pacman.5e    NOT FOUND
> pacman.5f    NOT FOUND
> 82s123.7f    NOT FOUND
> 82s126.4a    NOT FOUND
> 82s126.1m    NOT FOUND
> 82s126.3m    NOT FOUND
> ERROR: required files are missing, the game cannot be run.
> what went wrong? is there a gui front end of xmame that i need to
> install too?

Also the rpm you loaded with the roms probably only contained
gridlee,polyplay and robby. These games can legally be spread around
without infrigning on copyright...
If you started xmame without a name, the default config tries to run
pacman. Do you have the required roms for it?
you specify the game you want on the commandline
as follows:
xmame -rompath <yourromdirectory> <gamename>

xmame --list gives you the list of supported games that can be used as
<gamename>. Try 'xmame gridlee' for instance assuming that the rpm have
installed the roms in the default rompath.



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