kimmyaf, 26.04.2010 00:24:
Hello. I've only done a litte bit of parsing with minidom before but I'm
having trouble getting my values out of this xml. I need the latitude and
longitude values in bold.

I don't see anything 'bold' in your mail, but your example tells me what data you mean.

Here is some untested code using xml.etree.cElementTree:

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse("thefile.xml")
    for tag in tree.getiterator("location"):
        print tag.findtext("lat"), tag.findtext("lng")

Note that cElementTree is both faster and simpler than minidom.


   <formatted_address>50 Oakland St, Wellesley, MA 02481,
    <long_name>Oakland St</long_name>
    <short_name>Oakland St</short_name>
    <long_name>United States</long_name>


body = dom.getElementsByTagName('GeocodeResponse')[0]

for item in body.getElementsByTagName('location'):
      lat = item.getAttribute('lat')
      lng = item.getAttribute('lng')

XML-SIG maillist  -

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