I'm having the following issue related to pthread-win32 which implements
pthread_t as a structure.

/usr/src/libxslt-1.1.26/xsltproc/testThreads.c: In function 'main':
/usr/src/libxslt-1.1.26/xsltproc/testThreads.c:203:6: error: conversion
to non-scalar type requested
/usr/src/libxslt-1.1.26/xsltproc/testThreads.c:245:6: error: conversion
to non-scalar type requested

Both lines 203 and 245 do ``tid[i] = (pthread_t) -1;'' which doesn't
work with the structure.  What recommendations to resolve the issue does
anyone have?

<file name="/mingw/include/pthread.h>
typedef struct {
    void * p;                   /* Pointer to actual object */
    unsigned int x;             /* Extra information - reuse count etc */
} ptw32_handle_t;

typedef ptw32_handle_t pthread_t;

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