> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2012 11:09:56 +0100
> From: stuart shepherd <jonny.w...@googlemail.com>
> <xsl:template match="//control[name='DelaySeconds']/numeric/max">
> <xsl:element name="{name(.)}">
>         <xsl:value-of select="translate(string(.), '110', '5')" />
> </xsl:element>
> </xsl:template>
translate is not useful here: it just translates characters in the data 
according to the mapping, defined by operands 2 and 3.
1 => 5, and 0 to nothing.


> <xsl:template match="//control[name='DelaySeconds']/numeric/scalemax">
> <xsl:element name="{name(.)}">
>         <xsl:value-of select="translate(string(.), '110', '5')" />
> </xsl:element>
> </xsl:template>
> </xsl:stylesheet>
> This replace the strings
> <max>110</max>
> <scalemax>110</scalemax>
> with
> <max>55</max>
> <scalemax>55</scalemax>
> but what I want is
> <max>5</max>
> <scalemax>5</scalemax>
> I've tried using replace instead of translate but I get the error message
> xmlXPathCompOpEval: function replace not found
> XPath error : Unregistered function
> Any ideas how to get round that?
> Cheers
> Stuart.
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 11:40 AM, stuart shepherd <jonny.w...@googlemail.com
>> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've had a look at this and I'm not sure it does it exactly what I want.
>> My Main XML will look something like this
>> <control>
>> <name>ControlName</name>
>> <max>50</max>
>> ....
>> </control>
>> The control name is unique to that control, which is what I use to
>> identify it.
>> There will several controls in the XML files.
>> I need to change one or two of the max values of them, not all, and not
>> all to the same value.
>> The control element will contain other elements other than max.
>> After looking at your example I thought I could add an element to my sub
>> set XML that looks something like this.
>> <override>
>>     <name>ControlName</name> <!-- this will be the unique name of the
>> control whose values I want to change -->
>>    <max>100</max> <!-- the value I want to change -->
>> </override>
>> So what I want to do is look at the subset XML file and if there is an
>> override element find the control that it names and then overwrite the
>> value that is specified within the override element, it may be other
>> elements other than max, and maybe more than one. If it's easier I could
>> several overrides each one containing only a single override value.
>> Is this possible with XSLT?
>> Thank you for your help.
>> Stuart.
>> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Piotr Sipika <piotr...@optonline.net>wrote:
>>> On 07/12/2012 09:53 AM, stuart shepherd wrote:
>>>> Searching the web I've seen some examples in XSLT on how to
>>>> do something like this, but I have never used XSLT. Does anyone know if
>>>> there is a way to do this in XML.
>>> XSLT is your best bet.
>>> Here's a sample stylesheet which will:
>>>  - change the name of all elements named 'old' to 'new'
>>>  - change the name of all elements with an attribute named 'old' to 'new'
>>> ---- BEGIN stylesheet ----
>>> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
>>> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>>> xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";>
>>>   <xsl:output method="xml"/>
>>>   <!-- Template matches every node and attribute-->
>>>   <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
>>>     <xsl:choose>
>>>       <!-- if name of element is 'old' or element contains an attribute
>>>            named 'old', replace it with 'new' -->
>>>       <xsl:when test="@old or name(.)='old'">
>>>         <xsl:variable name="old_node" select="node()"/>
>>>         <xsl:variable name="old_value" select="./text()"/>
>>>         <xsl:variable name="attributes" select="@*"/>
>>>         <xsl:variable name="children" select="./*"/>
>>>         <!-- create a 'new' element with attributes and children from
>>>              the 'old' node, with its old value -->
>>>         <xsl:element name="new">
>>>           <xsl:copy-of select="$attributes|$children"/>
>>>           <xsl:value-of select="$old_value"/>
>>>         </xsl:element>
>>>       </xsl:when>
>>>       <!-- else, just copy the node/attributes -->
>>>       <xsl:otherwise>
>>>         <xsl:copy>
>>>           <xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
>>>         </xsl:copy>
>>>       </xsl:otherwise>
>>>     </xsl:choose>
>>>   </xsl:template>
>>> </xsl:stylesheet>
>>> ---- END stylesheet ----
>>> Sample XML:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
>>> <swap>
>>>   <old attr="attr1">This used to be inside the old node
>>>     <old_child1>This is old_child1</old_child1>
>>>   </old>
>>>   <foo attr="attr2">This is just a middle element...</foo>
>>>   <foo old="old attribute"/>
>>> </swap>
>>> Output of stylesheet processing using xsltproc (libxml 20708, libxslt
>>> 10126 and libexslt 815):
>>> $ xsltproc swap.xsl swap.xml
>>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>>> <swap>
>>>   <new attr="attr1"><old_child1>This is old_child1</old_child1>This used
>>> to be inside the old node
>>>   </new>
>>>   <foo attr="attr2">This is just a middle element...</foo>
>>>   <new old="old attribute"/>
>>> </swap>
>>> You can modify the attribute match criteria (@old) to actually evaluate
>>> its contents ([@old='old_parent']), etc...
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Piotr
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