On Jan 12, 2022, at 7:24 AM, Nick Wellnhofer via xml <xml@gnome.org> wrote:

> On 10/01/2022 20:47, Mike Dalessio wrote:
>> Although I'm relieved, the potential loss of maintainers from the project 
>> <https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/-/issues/319#note_1348651> was 
>> alarming. Perhaps another goal to consider for the year is to expand the 
>> pool of contributors and maintainers. I (and others, I assume) am interested 
>> in volunteering more time so that the burden isn't carried by you alone, and 
>> so that if in the future you're unable to secure funding the user community 
>> will be able to sustain that loss.
>> Thanks again, and please think about what work volunteers can pick up to get 
>> more involved.
> Anyone is invited to help with maintenance. But I can't think of many simple 
> issues for people to get started. Fixing bugs and reviewing merge requests 
> often requires deep knowledge of the code base which in turn requires to 
> invest considerable amounts of time. On the other hand, everyone has to start 
> somewhere. The best way is probably to start working on interesting issues, 
> learn from any mistakes you make, and repeat.

Welcome back, Nick!  I plan to contribute by posting patches to upstream 
changes from Apple’s port of libxml2 and libxslt.  While I know enough about 
libxml2 and libxslt to fix some bugs, I am not in a place where I could be a 
maintainer.  (I also have limited time to spend on these projects based on 
assigned tasks at work.)

I also plan to link up CVE-IDs that Apple assigned to specific issues:

> Personally, I think the main problem is funding. The pool of competent 
> programmers willing to spend months of their time to work on a rather 
> outdated code base implementing mostly legacy technology for free is tiny or 
> even non-existent. It's really the large corporations who could make a 
> difference by sponsoring OSS maintenance directly. I'm sure you can find 
> people like me who would work on OSS at a discount, but not without any 
> monetary compensation.

When an official process is set up for funding libxml2/libxslt (per your 
original email), I’ll inquire about contributing to it at work.


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