
I can't resist! When is a fact not true? Something is either a fact or it's
not a fact. Are there false facts?

On the other hand, I do agree with your comments about the author of the
article in question. It's just more of the hypster-mongering, but at the
other end of the pendulum swing! It does not appear to be a well-researched
article, and most certainly does not present a balanced perspective.


-----Original Message-----
From: David RR Webber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2001 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: The XML/EDI has no Clothes!

Message text written by "Ken North"
>I've not read the article yet so I can't comment on its accuracy. From
comments, it sounds like there were major omissions and glaring errors.

However, the writer might have described an authentication and
scenario, for example, to describe digitally-signed documents -- only to
have an editor make cuts that change the meaning.


You're being very generous!  IMHO the guy was a typical
journalist going for the sensational without following thru
on the true facts.  The article would have been much more
balanced if he had trouble to find out where people
were having success to contrast and compare.

I ditched my subscription to ECom over a year ago and I
see no reason to re-subscribe!


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