On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:27:11 -0700, Alan Coopersmith 
<alan.coopersm...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Not really part of the unifdef patch, but a second patch to do s/of/off/ in 
> that
> message would be good.

Yeah, as you can imagine, any patch that changes as much as the RENDER
stuff should be entirely mechanical.

> Also, you seem to have somehow pulled in some non-RENDER related changes 
> (perhaps
> because it realized the && 0 made these always-dead already?):

Hrm. unifdef has the '-k' option (which I didn't use) that is supposed
to leave #if lines that have constant expressions, and also '-K' which
leaves expressions with && and || undefined; looks like I need to add -K
to leave this particular expression alone.

> > -  winDebug ("winMWExtWMUpdateRegion (%08x)\n", pRLWinPriv);
> > -#endif

I looked over the patch but clearly missed this piece.


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