On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Piotr Gluszenia Slawinski <
curi...@bwv190.internetdsl.tpnet.pl> wrote:

> Nima Sahraneshin <unix.n...@gmail.com> writes:
>>  Hi
>>> I want to write a program based on X .I need some documentation about
>>> X (using X) .
>> Assuming that you want to make an "ordinary" application that is going
>> to run under X, you really want to use a toolkit.  These days, Qt
>> (http://qt.nokia.com/) and Gtk (http://www.gtk.org/) are probably the
>> best alternatives.
>> They are much easier to work with than coding directly for X, and they
>> do a lot of things for you that is otherwise a royal pain to get right.
> they both have serious shortcomings, and bugs, which make
> target application either non-functional after routine API changes (nokia)
> or bloated, buggy and slow (gtk).

It's not that bad.

> coding either directly for X or using lighter toolkits (i.e. fltk)
> has some point, and saves royal withdrawal after royal painkillers.

It may save you from API changes from time to time, but you get no
interoperability with other apps or DEs, no portability to other OSes; your
app looks terrible and nobody is going to want to maintain some Xlib code
when Qt/GTK is much better documented, well-supported and considerably more
functional.  I honestly can't see any benefit to using Xlib directly in this
day and age.

> --
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