On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Hzeng wrote:

> Hi,
> I am very surprised that the Xv functions 
>'PutImage','QueryImageAttribute','GetVideo','GetStill' cannot be realized in the 
>video4linux Xv driver. I am a new member of Xv and v4l, if it is that v4l cannot 
>support these functions ? Can you explain for me?
> Thanks 
> Hzeng

   PutImage is client YUV data sent to the server.  V4L type devices
are typically only Port->Window types of operations and don't have
this functionality.

  GetVideo means sending the contents of a window to a port.  That
would mean something like TVout.  Typically V4L devices are things
like TV cards and the data only goes into windows, not out of it.


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