On Thu, 3 Jan 2002, Paulo Vitor Magacho da Silva wrote:

> First, sorry for the very long email that I am sending.
> So you are saying that I don't need the tdfx_dri.so file anymore ?

You need that library. XFree's libGL is just an intermediary, it uses that
library to talk to 3Dfx boards to do direct rendering.

> (II) TDFX(0): [DRI] installation complete             <====
> (==) TDFX(0): Direct rendering enabled                <====

> What it's wrong, what else do I need ? I have the opengl library provided by the 
>XFree 4.1.0, I
> also have installed the Mesa-utils 3.4.1 libs and the glide libraries. I can't use 
>any program that
> need hardware acceleration, such as tuxracer.

Say what? Please say you didn't overwrite your libGL. First, do 'ldd
/usr/X11R6/bin/glxinfo' and make sure it's linking the correct libGL.
Second, as Michel said, run 'LIBGL_DEBUG=1 glxinfo' and see if it spits
out any errors. You may need to look at /dev/dri/* and see if the
permissions are set correctly for you to access the DRI devnode. If not,
'man XF86Config' is your friend. Look for info on the DRI section.

Derrik Pates      |   Sysadmin, Douglas School   |    #linuxOS on EFnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |     District (dsdk12.net)    |    #linuxOS on OPN

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