I have recently got this digital flat panel to work with a Radeon VE 
(QY) in xf4.1.99, using a quite unusual approach.

The problem is that the panel is not getting the timings it requires, 
even though the X server successfully reads the EDID info. To get it to 
work I hav to boot up with the panel connected to the DVI connector on 
the Radeon VE, then disconnect it before starting the X server, so that 
the EDID cannot be read (just turning the panel off doesn't help), and 
then connect it after the server has come up.

vesafb and the vesa driver in XFree works great, but a bit slow. A 
modeline that would work for the screen (according to fbset) is:
Mode "1024x768-76" 78.654 1024 1056 1184 1312 768 772 776 792 "-HSync" "-VSync"
But the server doesn't like that very much (from the log: "(WW) RADEON(0): Mode name 
H^Q`<C9>^V@<A8>^M<A8>^Mp<C9>^V@p<C9>^V@x<C9>^V@x<C9>^V@ is invalid)")
EDID seems to return 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806
Is there a way, like in nvidias binary-only driver, to disable EDID that 
I've missed?

This is cvs version with and without the radeon driver from I haven't found any related changes in the CVS since the 
beginning of December. Did I miss something here when looking through the 

Compressed logs attached due to size.


Attachment: XF86Config-4.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: XFree86.0.log-wrong.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: XFree86.0.log.gz
Description: application/gunzip

Attachment: dmesg.log.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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