On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, solomon Fulop wrote:

> I was just wondering if it would be possible to get X to run at 1920x1440 
> with an Nvidia Geforce 3 ultra and a 21 inch monitor (btw this is on a 
> FreeBSD machine).....any help would be greatly appreciated

    I just tried XFree86's built in 1920x1440 mode on my GeForce4
and it worked fine.  I would expect it to work fine with GeForce2 and
3 as well.  You'll definitely need XFree86 4.2.0 though.  There were bugs
in the "nv" driver in 4.1.0 that prevented getting modes higher than
1600x1200.  Super-high res modes like 2048x1536 don't work in the
"nv" driver yet though.


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