I've been using XFree86 for a while and it's done well enough that I've
mucked around with the actual details of what was going on other than
my config file. I've run into a couple of problems I just wanted to run
by all you
folks for suggestions.

Here's the setup:
    I am running FreeBSD 4.5-Stable and XFree86-4.2.0. I have a RadeonVE

    and the drm kmod installed. I am running on 2 Dell P110 21" monitors
    a resolutions 1280x1024. With Xinerama extenesion enabled.

Problem 1)
    When I would log into a Sun box export DISPLAY to my box and run HP
     openview's network presenter app(ovw). I had problems with sections
     the map  just not being drawn. If I grabbed one of the icons in the
     and swept it across the section where there should be icons they
would show
     up until I let go of the icon and the window was redrawn, at which
point they
     would disappear again. After trying all sorts of things I restarted
X on a single
     monitor and the problem went away. Any guess as to problems or

Problem 2)
     This is probably an RTFM question but I'll ask anyway. When I have
the Z-Axis-
     Mapping "4 5" and Buttons "5" options enabled for the wheel on the
mouse I am
     unable to send a right click to Openview properly. When I comment
these lines
     out in my config right clicking works fine. I'm looking for what a
"proper" solution
     to this problem might be. I started looking into the keymaps and
such but wasn't
    sure if that was the correct directions and if so what I should do.

Thanks and again for any help. I am not subscribed to the list so please
CC me on any replies

Eric Liedtke

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