I am just a casual reader on this list so I could be entirly wrong about
all this.

I've read the thread that you started last spring, and I've been following
this one, and I sympathize with you on the problems with the acceleration
in X (it's down right unusable IMHO) but what I'm missing is what you are
actually trying to get at?

The issue was brought up last spring, and appearantly nothing was done
about it. And the problem doesn't seem to be lack of a patch it's just
that someone (a mystery to me as well) doesn't seem to like to apply
patches from anyone but ... well I don't know. Only a few of the inside
guys get to change the code at all.

But lambasting people for commenting there opinions on this matter as
being off topic (even if they are) doesn't get any of us anywhere.

So more to the point, what are you actually trying to convince who to do?
The real issue isn't that you propose a change. It's that your pissed
that they wont commit any of the fixes to the problem.

Sorry about the rant. I feel like I'm preching and I've no right to do so.
But I would really like to see this fixed and it just looks like your ...
"not playing the game right"?

I don't know.. I'm just a nerd and no one ever listens to me anyways, so
if I sound like an asshole. Just ignore me I don't mean to be.

Good luck.

Josie Imlay

Xpert mailing list

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