On Sat, Nov 02, 2002 at 10:31:10AM +0000, Stephen Davies wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Nov 2002, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> > Speaking as someone in the "outer circle" (I'm on the private lists, but 
> > don't get to change the code) I think that the problem is that none one will 
> > commit a patch that they don't understand.
> Hi Andrew,
> So those who send patches should expect some feedback or questions as to
> our code.
> I submitted a tdfx driver patch on 7th Oct:
> > Your submission to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has been assigned the
> > sequence number A.1297.
> I would have expected some sort of reply, perhaps one of:
>  - patch accepted
>  - send your patch to xx@yy, maintainer of the tdfx driver
>  - we don't understand and won't apply - explain why you do ...

The best way to check if your patch has been integrated is to
check the CHANGELOG file in xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86.

If it's already been applied, then it will show up there. We just
don't have the time to followup with every single person that
submits patches.

If it's not already been applied, then just be patient. If after
a few months, you may feel the need to check. That's fine. You
may get a response to say that we've still not looked at the patch.

But please do, check CHANGELOG for more details.

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