On 06/20/2017 06:24 PM, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 06/19/2017 06:34 PM, Apurv Jyotirmay wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got a Xubuntu 16.04 LTS installation as my primary system, but the
>> system has started to lag a lot. Earlier everything would go smoothly,
>> but now lightDM would take about a 40 seconds to show after booting up,
>> then Firefox would start to lag over time and it doesn't matter if I
>> restart Firefox 54, the sluggishness isn't solved. Google Chrome takes
>> around 2 minutes to launch and be usable, every single time I would run
>> it. And then the performance issue gradually increases forcing me to
>> restart the system to get smoother performance.
> I'm glad (poor word to use) to see someone else has the same problem.
> I'm on an old Dell Latitude D810 with only 2GB of memory, so I had
> assumed it was just OS bloat. Which is a pity if so, as 15.04 flew along
> like a bird.
> I get the exact symptoms described above. It's workable once running,
> but there's a lot of swapping going on. I don't know if it's
> applications hogging memory or the OS.
> ///Peter

0n a Lenovo Dual Core 2 at 3 Mhz with 4 GB of RAM running 17.04, I'm not
seeing any delays or slowdowns. Boots take ~12 seconds: 5 seconds to get
the login screen and another 6 to get to the desktop.

- Victor

Victor Forberger
blog: http://linuxatty.wordpress.com

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