clear xfce session cache

If un-wanted programs are automatically started at login you may need to
clear the xfce session cache.

Main Menu see Settings icon - bottom right
Note: Depending on your configuration, the Settings may also be a
dropdown pick on the main menu.
Go to Session and Startup - 3rd group down
The Sessions Tab - See Clear Saved Sessions Button at bottom
Click Clear Saved Sessions and Close
Log Out&Log In to re-load xfce4
If that did not work, insure the Application Autostart check bock is

You can Manually Clear cache in terminal
rm -fr ~/.cache/sessions/*

On 08/01/2018 01:04 AM, John R. Sowden wrote:
> I am trying to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 LTS.  In the process, I am
> running programs that I normally do not (gparted, thunar as su). 
> After all programs are closed, I am getting the mouse pointer with a
> running circle.  I run htop, find thunar is taking 10% of the memory
> and --daemon in the command line in htop.  I kill it, the mouse
> pointer stays.  I reboot, mouse pointer is normal. then I run
> something and I'm back.
> Am I running something in the background?  How do I find it.  Why is
> thunar running after I closed it?
> John

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