Thanks Victor,

Our real issue is that we were using the Debian installer (d-i) to
automate Xubuntu installations up until Xubuntu 18.04. The
Debian-installer is no longer supported as of 20.04, but we've found a
twisted way to make it work (but not everything is working correctly
since packages have changed and 20.04 now uses Subiquity/Ubiquity?).

I have written a script that fixes a bunch of the issues caused by our
mangled Debian-Installer installation of 20.04, but the icon for
pulseaudio not appearing in the toolbar is one of the issues. I
suppose I could just manually fix the issue then have the script copy
the fixed file after the fact.

I thought I read somewhere that it's no longer possible to automate
desktop installations and that everything has to be done with the Live
installer (which isn't great since we're more prone to making mistakes
than an automated system). I do have our PXE server set up to also do
Live Installations of Xubuntu, but the lack of automation means we're
sure to either make mistakes or miss things.

There are lots of guides for automated PXE installs of Ubuntu Server,
but little about automating Ubuntu/Xubuntu + extra packages after the

Cheers and thanks for replying,


On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 10:27 AM Victor Forberger
<> wrote:
> On 10/21/21 1:24 PM, Charles M wrote:
> > What is the simplest way to add a new item to a panel from the command line?
> >
> > I see that ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml
> > holds information about what's on the panel, but I'm not exactly sure
> > how I would add something like the pulseaudio plugin for example.
> >
> > I found xfconf-query and it appears to be able to do things with
> > xfce4-panel, just again not sure how I could add something like the
> > pulseaudio plugin via it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Charles
> >
> Since the panel is part of the desktop GUI, modifications are best done
> through the desktop.
> Right-click on the panel and select Panel Preferences. More info about
> modifying the panel in Xubuntu 20.04 is available at
> For customized installation, I believe you create a model desktop, and
> then use that model as the customized installation.
> I guess you could reverse-engineer what modifications do via the GUI and
> then use terminal commands to re-create those actions.
> Good luck.
> - Victor
> --
> Victor Forberger
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